
Inflammatory carcinoma

  • 炎症性癌症是一種臨床病理實體(entity)

  • 其特徵為廣泛的 → 紅腫和水腫 (酒渣鼻) ,涉及乳房皮膚的 → 三分之一或更多。

  • 這些皮膚變化是 ∵ 由於腫瘤栓塞引起的 → 淋巴水腫所造成 ↪ 的 → 。

  • 雖然皮膚淋巴管受累(involvement)支持炎症性乳癌的 → 診斷

    • 但在缺乏典型臨床發現的 → 情況下,它既 ✖ 不必要也 ✖ 不足以用來對炎症性乳癌進行診斷。
  • Inflammatory carcinoma is a clinical-pathologic entity characterized by diffuse erythema and edema (peau d’orange) involving a third or more of the skin of the breast. These skin changes are due to lymphedema caused by tumor emboli within dermal lymphatics. Although dermal lymphatic involvement supports the diagnosis of inflammatory breast cancer, it is neither necessary nor sufficient, in the absence of classical clinical findings, for the diagnosis of inflammatory breast cancer.