約3%的 → 病患中報告有嚴重的 → 輸液相關效應 (罕見致命)
此外,接受含有cetuximab的 → 輻射療法且患有頭頸部鱗狀細胞癌的 → 病患中有2%報告心肺停止和/或突然死亡
在cetuximab治療期間及之後必須密切監控血清電解質 (包括 ≡ 鎂,鉀,和鈣) 。
Initial cetuximab dose of 400 mg/m2, followed by 250 mg/m2 once weekly until disease progression or unacceptable toxicity occurs.
- Colorectal cancer, metastatic, KRAS-wild type, EGFR expressing: Cetuximab single agent therapy or in combination with irinotecan or FOLFIRI (irinotecan, fluorouracil, and leucovorin): Note: When given in combination with irinotecan or FOLFIRI, complete cetuximab dose 1 hour prior to chemotherapy.
- Weekly dosing:
- Initial loading dose: IV: 400 mg/m2 infused over 120 minutes.
- Maintenance dose: IV: 250 mg/m2 infused over 60 minutes once weekly until disease progression or unacceptable toxicity.
- Biweekly dosing:
- Initial and subsequent doses: IV: 500 mg/m2 infused over 120 minutes once every 2 weeks until disease progression or unacceptable toxicity.
- Acneiform eruption (87%), changes in nails (31%), desquamation (≤95%), pruritus (16% to 47%), radiodermatitis (86%), skin rash (≤95%), xeroderma (57%)
- Endocrine & metabolic: Dehydration (13% to 25%), hypomagnesemia (55%), wt loss (84%)