Standard workup-hypertension

  • Goals:
    • (1) identify CV risk factors;
    • (2) consider 2° causes;
    • (3) assess for target-organ damage
  • History of Standard workup-hypertension 󰒗:
  • Physical exam:
    • ✓ BP in both arms;
    • funduscopic exam,
    • BMI,
    • cardiac (LVH,
    • murmurs),
    • vascular (bruits,
    • radial-femoral delay),
    • abdominal (masses or bruits),
    • neuro exam
  • Testing of Standard workup-hypertension 󰒗
  • Ambulatory BP monitoring (ABPM):
    • consider for episodic, masked, resistant, or white coat HTN;
    • stronger predictor of mortality than clinic BP (NEJM 2018;378:1509);
    • 24 h target <130/80