
Skin manifestations of systemic sclerosis

  • Tightening and thickening of extremities, face, trunk (biopsy not required for diagnosis)
    • “S” : sclerodactyly (指端硬化), tightening of the skin causing the fingers to bend.
  • “Puffy” hands, carpal tunnel syndrome, sclerodactyly
  • Nailfold capillary dilatation & dropout
  • Immobile, pinched, “mouse-like” facies and “purse-string” mouth
  • Calcinosis cutis (subcutaneous calcification), telangiectasias
    • “C” : calcinosis, where calcium deposits form under the skin on the fingers or other areas of the body.
    • “T” : telangiectasia (血管擴張症 ), dilated vessels on the skin of the fingers, face, or inside of the mouth.