
🌱 來自: Hyperprolactinemia

Treatment of Hyperprolactinemia

  • If asx (no HA, galactorrhea, hypogonadal sx) & microadenoma (<10 mm), follow w/ MRI
  • If sx or macroadenoma (10 mm) options include:
    • Medical with dopamine agonist such as
      • cabergoline (70-100% success rate) or
      • bromocriptine (not as well tol); side effects include N/V, orthostasis, mental fogginess
    • Surgical: transsphenoidal surgery (main indications: failed or cannot tolerate medical Rx, GH cosecretion or neurologic sx not improving);
      • 10-20% recurrence rate
    • Radiation: if medical or surgical therapy have failed or are not tolerated