
  • Midsystolic crescendo-decrescendo murmur at RUSB,
  • harsh, high-pitched, radiates to carotids, apex (holosystolic = Gallavardin effect),
  • ↑ w/ passive leg raise,
  • ↓ w/ standing & Valsalva.
  • Dynamic outflow obstruction (HCM) is the reverse.
  • Ejection click after S1 sometimes heard with bicuspid AoV
  • Signs of severity:
    • late-peaking murmur,
    • paradoxically split S2 or inaudible A2,
    • small and delayed carotid pulse (“pulsus parvus et tardus”),
    • LV heave, ⊕ S4 (occasionally palpable)

pathophys heart dis., 7th ed., 2021, for this et al