🌱 來自: amyloidosis
diagnostic studies of amyloidosis
Biopsy (abd fat pad, rectal, etc.):
apple- green birefring w/ Congo red (Se <85% Sp >90%)
If suspect AL:
- SPEP & UPEP + immunofixation, free light chains (FLC), ± BM biopsy
If suspect renal involvement:
- U/A for proteinuria
- abd fat pad bx
If suspect CMP:
- ECG (↓ volt, conduction abnl),
- TTE (↓ longitudinal strain, LVH, valve & septal thickening, myocard. speckling), MRI (late gad. enhancement).
- R/o plasma cell dyscrasia; if ⊖ → (99m)Tc-pyrophosphate (PYP) SPECT for TTR. ± Cardiac bx.
Mass spec of biopsy to ID fibril type. Genetic testing to distinguish wt vs. hereditary ATTR.
International Myeloma Working Group diagnostic criteria for systemic AL amyloidosis