
cosyntropin stimulation test

Δ The ACTH stimulation test may be performed any time of day. However, if baseline ACTH and aldosterone levels are being obtained with stimulation test, the test must be performed in the morning, between 8 and 9 AM.

normal = 60-min (or 30-min) post-ACTH cortisol ≥18 µg/dL abnormal in primary b/c adrenal gland diseased and unable to give adequate output abnormal in chronic secondary b/c adrenals atrophied and unable to respond (very rarely, may be normal in acute pituitary injury b/c adrenals still able to respond → use early a.m. cortisol instead)

Explain by ChatGPT

  • The ACTH stimulation test can be done at any time of day, but if you’re also testing for baseline ACTH and aldosterone levels, the test must be done in the morning between 8 and 9 AM.
  • A normal result is a 60-min (or 30-min) post-ACTH cortisol ≥18 µg/dL. An abnormal result in primary adrenal gland disease is because the adrenal gland is diseased and unable to give an adequate output. An abnormal result in chronic secondary adrenal gland disease is because the adrenals are atrophied and unable to respond.
  • (Very rarely, the result may be normal in acute pituitary injury because the adrenals are still able to respond. In this case, use an early a.m. cortisol test instead.)


  • ACTH 刺激測試可以在一天中的任何時間進行,但如果您還測試基線 ACTH 和醛固酮水平,則必須在早上 8 點到 9 點之間進行測試。
  • 正常結果是 ACTH 後 60 分鐘(或 30 分鐘)皮質醇≥18 µg/dL。原發性腎上腺疾病的異常結果是因為腎上腺患病並且無法提供足夠的輸出。慢性繼發性腎上腺疾病的異常結果是因為腎上腺萎縮而無法反應。 -(極少數情況下,急性垂體損傷的結果可能是正常的,因為腎上腺仍然能夠做出反應。在這種情況下,請改用早間皮質醇測試。)