from: rheumatology

adult-onset Still’s disease

Adult-onset Still’s disease (J Autoimmun 2018;93:24)

  • Rare autoinflammatory syndrome, <4/million per y incidence;
  • ♂ = ♀ w/ bimodal typical onset 15-25 or 36-46 y;
  • sx evolve over wks to mos
  • Dx if 5 criteria are present & ≥2 major;
    • exclude infxn, malig, other rheumatic, drug rxn
      • Major:
        • fever ≥39°C for ≥1 wk (usually daily or twice daily high-spiking fever);
        • arthralgias/ arthritis ≥2 wk;
        • Still’s rash (qv);
        • ↑ WBC w/ 80% PMN
      • Minor:
        • sore throat;
        • LAN;
        • HSM;
        • ↑ AST/ALT/LDH;
      • negative ANA & RF
  • Still’s rash (>85%): nonpruritic
    • macular or maculopapular salmon-colored rash;
    • usually trunk or extremities;
    • may be precipitated by trauma (Koebner phenomenon), warm water
  • Plain films: soft tissue swelling (early) → cartilage loss, erosions, carpal ankylosis (late)
  • Treatment:
    • NSAIDs;
    • steroids;
    • steroid-sparing (MTX, anakinra, anti-TNF, tocilizumab)
  • Variable clinical course: 20% w/ long-term remission; 30% remit-relapse; ~50% chronic (esp. arthritis); ↑ risk of macrophage activation syndrome (life threatening)
  • Relapsing polychondritis