
Neoadjuvant chemotherapy for operable breast cancer patients

  • Operable breast cancer preferred for neoadjuvant chemotherapy includes:

    • Triple negative breast cancer or HER2 positive cancer
      • with clinical T-stage ≧ cT2 or N-stage ≧ cN1
    • For locally advanced breast cancer patients
      • (≧ cT3 or cN2)
    • Larger primary tumor relative to breast size
      • in patients who desire breast conservation therapy
  • Clips placement both at ↣ primary tumor and positive axillary lymph node(s) is → suggested for tumor localization before neoadjuvant chemotherapy

    • BCS/Mastectomy
    • Axillary management:
      • If cN0 both before and after C/T → SLNB
      • If cN1 become ycN0 after C/T, may consider SLNB + clipped node removal
      • If cN2 or cN3 before C/T → ALND