
🌱 來自: Huppert’s Notes

Biases🚧 施工中



   Selection bias: Bias in selecting the study group. Subtypes: Attrition bias (participants lost to follow-up), non-response bias (can occur with surveys when low response rate), selection bias

Study execution

   Recall bias: Inaccurate recall of past events by patients; common in case-control studies

•   Observer bias: Observer may be influenced by prior knowledge or details of the study that affect the results; mitigated by blinding

•   Measurement bias: Poor data collection, inaccurate results

Data/result interpretation

   Confounding bias: At least part of the exposure-disease relationship can be explained by another variable

•   Susceptibility bias: Treatment regimen is selected for a patient based on the severity of their condition without considering confounders

•   Lead time bias: One intervention may diagnose a disease earlier than another intervention, but there is no change in mortality; however, the earlier detection makes it seem like the intervention prolongs survival

•   Pygmalion effect: The researcher’s expectation of an outcome influences the study; well-established, particularly in psychological or education studies

•   Hawthorne effect: The impact on study participants of knowing that they are being monitored or “watched,” i.e., the knowledge of being studied affects compliance to a medication and other aspects of a study