Follow-up-aortic aneurysms

(Circ 2010;121:e266; Nat Rev Cardiol 2011;8:92; JAMA 2013;309:806)

  • Expansion rate ~0.1 cm/y for TAA, ~0.3–0.4 cm/y for AAA
  • TAA: 6 mo after dx to ensure stable, and if stable, then annually (Circ 2005;111:816)
  • AAA: <4 cm q2–3y; 4–5.4 cm q6–12mo; more often if rate of expansion >0.5 cm in 6 mo
  • Screen for CAD, PAD, & aneurysms elsewhere, espec popliteal. ~25% of Pts w/ TAA will also have AAA, and 25% of AAA Pts will have a TAA: consider pan-Ao imaging.