
prognosis of chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML)

(NEJM 2017;376:917)

Chronic phase CML Rx’d w/ imatinib:

  • 89% 5-y overall survival,

  • 95% survival free of CML-related deaths,

  • 7% progression to blast phase at 5 y

    • (NEJM 2006;355:2408).
  • Pts in CCyR (~equal to QT-PCR if 1% IS)

    • have normal life expectancy.
  • QT-PCR >4-log

    • ↓ can consider TKI discontinuation trial
    • (Lancet Onc 2018;19:747).
  • Stage of disease at dx is strongest predictor of outcome (chronic vs. accel/blast phase)

  • OS nearing nl life expectancy (if diagnosed in chronic phase) in TKI era

  • Various scoring systems devised to predict outcomes at dx:

    • Sokal score
    • Hasford score (categories: low vs. intermediate vs. high; same elements as Sokal, as well as peripheral blood basophils/eosinophils) (JNCI 1998;90:850)
  • ELTS (EUTOS long term survival score):
    • Categories: Low vs. intermediate vs. high; same elements as Sokal; different weighting, imatinib-based (Leukemia 2020;34(8):2138)