

  • CYP3A isoenzymes account for ∼50% of the metabolic activity of all CYP450 enzymes
  • Substrates include etoposide, paclitaxel, & vincristine
  • SNP frequencies of CYP3A4 relatively low in most populations (14% in Caucasians & 10% in Japanese individuals) making it difficult to link genotype to PK or PD of CYP3A4 substrates
  • Study conducted by the National Children’s CA Group Pediatric ALL trial set out to correlate the association between relapse & tox of 1,204 pts w/ CYP3A41B, CYP3A53, & CYP3A5*6 SNPs. Trial results were neg; however, 1st 2 variants had a statistically significant ↑ risk of peripheral neuropathy