Categories-diabetes mellitus

  • type 1 diabetes mellitus

  • Type 2 (Lancet 2017;389:2239): insulin resistance + relative insulin ↓; prevalence 6%; onset generally later in life; no HLA assoc.; risk factors: age, ⊕ FHx, obesity, sedentary lifestyle

參考➡️ Type 2 diabetes

  • Type 2 DM p/w DKA (“ketosis-prone diabetes” or “Flatbush diabetes”): most often seen in nonwhite, ± anti-GAD Ab, eventually may not require insulin (Endo Rev 2008;29:292)
  • Mature-Onset Diabetes of the Young (MODY): autosomal dom. forms of DM due to defects in insulin secretion genes; genetically and clinically heterogeneous (JCEM 2021;106:237)
  • secondary causes of diabetes:

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  • Type 1 diabetes mellitus is characterized by islet cell destruction, absolute insulin deficiency, and ketosis in the absence of insulin. It has a prevalence of 0.4% and usually onset in childhood but can occur throughout adulthood. There is an increased risk if there is a family history of the disease. There are HLA associations and anti-GAD, anti-islet cell, and anti-insulin autoantibodies.

  • Type 2 diabetes mellitus is characterized by insulin resistance and relative insulin deficiency. It has a prevalence of 6% and onset generally later in life. There is no HLA association. Risk factors include age, family history of the disease, obesity, and sedentary lifestyle.

  • Type 2 diabetes mellitus with ketosis-prone diabetes (also known as “Flatbush diabetes”) is most often seen in nonwhite patients and is characterized by the presence of anti-GAD antibodies. Eventually, patients may not require insulin.

  • Mature-onset diabetes of the young (MODY) is an autosomal dominant form of diabetes mellitus due to defects in insulin secretion genes. It is genetically and clinically heterogeneous.

  • Secondary causes of diabetes include exogenous glucocorticoids, glucagonoma (a syndrome characterized by diabetes mellitus, deep venous thrombosis, and diarrhea), and pancreatic diseases (such as pancreatitis, hemochromatosis, cystic fibrosis, and pancreatic resection). Other causes include endocrinopathies (such as Cushing’s disease and acromegaly) and gestational diabetes. Drugs that can cause diabetes include protease inhibitors and atypical antipsychotics.


1 型糖尿病的特徵是胰島細胞破壞、胰島素絕對缺乏和缺乏胰島素時的酮症。它的患病率為 0.4%,通常在兒童時期發病,但也可能發生在整個成年期。如果有該疾病的家族史,則風險會增加。存在 HLA 關聯和抗 GAD、抗胰島細胞和抗胰島素自身抗體。

2 型糖尿病的特徵是胰島素抵抗和相對胰島素缺乏。它的患病率為 6%,通常發病較晚。沒有 HLA 協會。風險因素包括年齡、疾病家族史、肥胖和久坐不動的生活方式。

2 型糖尿病伴有酮症傾向的糖尿病(也稱為“Flatbush 糖尿病”)最常見於非白人患者,其特徵是存在抗 GAD 抗體。最終,患者可能不需要胰島素。

由於胰島素分泌基因的缺陷,青少年成熟型糖尿病 (MODY) 是一種常染色體顯性遺傳形式的糖尿病。它在遺傳和臨床上是異質的。
