
Clinical assessment of seronegative spondyloarthritis

  • Seronegative:

    • Rheumatoid factor and other autoantibodies usually negative
    • ± ↑ ESR/CRP
  • HLA-B27

  • Axial disease physical exam:

    • Lumbar flexion deformity assessed by modified Schober’s test:
      • ⊕ if <5 cm ↑ in distance between a point 5 cm below the lumbosacral junction and another point 10 cm above when going from standing to maximum forward flexion
    • T-spine mobility (extension) and kyphosis severity measured by occiput-to-wall distance (although occiput-to-wall distance can also be increased in osteoporotic kyphosis)
  • Infectious evaluation for reactive arthritis

  • Radiology 󰒖