Physical exam-pericarditis and pericardial effusion
Pericarditis: multiphasic friction rub best heard at LLSB w/ diaphragm of stethoscope. Notoriously variable and evanescent leathery sound w/ up to 3 components: atrial contraction, ventricular contraction, ventricular relaxation (NEJM 2012;367:e20).
Effusion: distant heart sounds, dullness over left posterior lung field due to compressive atelectasis from pericardial effusion (Ewart’s sign)
心包炎: friction rub
帶聽診器隔膜的 LLSB 最好聽到多相摩擦摩擦。眾所周知的多變和消逝的皮革音,
- 最多包含 3 個成分:心房收縮、心室收縮、心室舒張 (NEJM 2012;367:e20)。
- three-component friction rub
- An Audible Case of Acute Pericarditis | NEJM
積液:心音遙遠,左後肺野濁音,由於心包積液壓迫性肺不張(Ewart 徵)