
inflammatory marker & autoantibody testing

Inflammatory markers (Mod Rheumatol 2009;19:469; NEJM 1999;340:448)

  • ESR:
    • indirect measure of inflammation [↑ RBC aggregation due to acute-phase proteins (fibrinogen, Ig)];
    • slow to rise;
    • may ↑ w/ age, preg., anemia, obesity, ESRD. Ddx for >100: malig. esp. MM, lymphoma;
    • GCA or other vasculitis;
    • endocarditis, TB, osteomyelitis.
  • CRP: direct measure of inflammation (protein produced by liver, part of innate immune system); typically rises and falls before the ESR w/ treatment/resolution of process

Autoantibody testing (Best Pract Res Clin Rheumatol 2014;28:907)

  • ANA (anti-nuclear Ab): screening
    • test for Ab directed against nuclear proteins.
  • Order ANA only when clinical suspicion for CTD b/c nonspecific:
    • 1:40 (very low ⊕, 25-30% of healthy Pts);
    • 1:80 (low ⊕, 10-15% of healthy Pts);
    • ≥1:160 (⊕, 5% of healthy Pts). May be ⊕ in Pts prior to clin manifest (NEJM 2003;349:1526;
    • Arthritis Res Ther 2011;13:1).
  • If ANA ⊕ and high clinical suspicion for CTD, consider testing for Ab against dsDNA, Smith, Ro/La, RNP, Scl-70 and myositis-specific Abs (highly specific for various CTD)
  • ANA does not correlate well w/ disease activity, ∴ no clinical value in serial testing
  • ANA also ⊕ in:
    • AIH,
    • PBC,
    • thyroid disease,
    • certain infxns and malignancies,
    • IBD,
    • IPF
  • RF and anti-CCP (see “Rheumatoid Arthritis”)