
dyspnea of CPS schema

Airway obstruction (↑ resistance to airflow)

Asthma, COPD, bronchiectasis, cystic fibrosis, tumor, foreign body, vocal cord dysfunction, anaphylaxis

Alveolar / Parenchymal disease

Pulmonary edema: cardiogenic or noncardiogenic ILD; pneumonia; atelectasis


(V/Q mismatch) Large vessel: PE, tumor emboli Small vessel: PHT, vasculitis, ILD, emphysema, PNA

Chest wall

(↑ resistance to expansion; weakness of respir. muscles) Pleural disease: large effusion, fibrosis, pneumothorax Chest wall/diaphragm: kyphoscoliosis, ↑ abd girth Neuromuscular disorders (ALS, GBS, MG) Hyperinflation (COPD, asthma)

Stimulation of receptors

Chemoreceptors: hypoxemia, metabolic acidosis Mechanoreceptors: ILD, pulmonary edema, PHT, PE

↓ O2 carrying cap. (but nl PaO2)

Anemia, methemoglobinemia, CO poisoning


Anxiety, panic attack, depression, somatization Dysphagia 圖 3

Staging of lung cancer