
🌱 來自: multiple myeloma (MM)

clinical manifestations of multiple myeloma (MM)🚧 施工中

clinical manifestations of multiple myeloma (MM)

(CRAB criteria and other less common features)

  • Hyper Calcemia due to ↑ osteoclast activity
  • Renal disease: multiple mechanisms include toxic effect of filtered light chains → renal failure (cast nephropathy) or type II RTA; amyloidosis or light chain deposition disease → nephrotic syndrome; hypercalcemia, urate nephropathy, type I cryoglobulinemia
  • Anemia (normocytic) to bone marrow involvement; rarely, may see AIHA
  • Lytic Bone lesions due to ↑ osteoclast activity → pathologic fx

  • Recurrent infxns due to relative hypogammaglob. (clonal plasma cells suppress nl Ig)
  • Neurologic: cord compression; POEMS (polyneuropathy, organomegaly, endocrinopathy, M protein, skin changes) syndrome
  • Hyperviscosity: usually when IgM >4 g/dL, IgG >5 g/dL, or IgA >7 g/dL
  • Coagulopathy: seen in amyloid due to binding & depletion of Factor X
  • AL amyloidosis (see “Amyloidosis”) (Lancet Onc 2014;15:e538)