
🌱 來自:medical_statistics


  • Is the number of subjects involved clearly stated?
  • Are appropriate measures of location and variation used in the paper?
    • For example, if the distribution of the data is skewed, then has the median rather the mean been quoted? Is it sensible to quote a standard deviation, or would a range or interquartile range, be better?
    • In general do not use SD for data which have skewed distributions.
  • On graphs, are appropriate axes clearly labelled and scales indicated?
  • Do the titles adequately describe the contents of the tables and graphs?
  • Do the graphs indicate the relevant variability? For example, if the main object of the study is a within‐subject comparison, has the within‐subject variability been illustrated?
  • Does the method of display convey all the relevant information in a study? Can one assess the distribution of the data from the information given?