Contrast-induced acute kidney injury


  • increase in the creatinine of 0.5mg/dL or a 25% increase from basline w/i 3 days after the contrast media
  • and abscense of alternative cause (CIAKI) (NEJM 2019;380:2146)

natural history

  • 24-48h increase after exposure and peak at 3-5 days
  • resolves in 7 to 10 days
  • if prolonged duration: look for other cause, e.g. atheroeboli after arteriography
  • AKI 24–48 h post contrast, peaks 3–5 d, resolves 7–10 d (consider chol emboli if does not)


  • 0.5% patient with normal kidney function
  • 10% to 40% with underlying of renal insufficiency
  • 用人話講:如果腎功能正常的話,200人才會有一個;如果不正常,大概10個人就會有一個
  • Risk factors: CKD, DM, CHF, age, hypotension, ↑ contrast volume (JACC 2004;44:1393)


  • compromised renal blood flow
  • alterations in the meabolism of nitric oxide, adenosine, ageiotensin II and prostaglandins
  • osmotic diuresis, increase renal metabolic activiy and oxygen consumption
  • contrast stimulate a rapid influx of 胞外鈣;讓血管收縮
  • 自由基;讓血流不好
  • high osmotic results in reduction of renal blood flow