Treatment-diabetic foot infections

(CID 2012;54:e132)

  • Mild infxn: oral abx. Target GPCs (diclox, cephalexin, or amox/clav); use TMP-SMX or doxy for MRSA.
  • Mod/severe infxn: IV abx. Target GPCs (vanco, linezolid,dapto) + GNRs (CTX, levo, or amp/sulb) ± anaerobes (metronidazole or clinda). Add PsA coverage (cefepime or pip- tazo) if: macerated wound, significant water exposure, warm climate
  • Elevation, non–weight-bearing status, wound care, glycemic control, Rx for venous insufficiency and arterial ischemia
  • Many require surgery: early, aggressive, and repeated debridement; revascularization or amputation may be necessary