

(blocks cortisol synthesis and therefore stimulates ACTH, measure plasma 11-deoxycortisol and urinary 17-hydroxycorticosteroid levels)

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Metyrapone is → a drug that inhibits the synthesis of cortisol. This in turn stimulates the production of ACTH. Metyrapone is → used to measure the levels of 11-deoxycortisol and 17-hydroxycorticosteroid in the blood and urine.

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美替拉酮 是: 一種抑制皮質醇合成的 → 藥物

  • 這反過來又刺激了 ACTH 的 → 產生 ↪
  • 甲吡酮用於測量血液和尿液中 11-脫氧皮質醇和 17-羥基皮質類固醇的 → 水平。