Microbiology-skin and soft tissue infections
皮膚和軟組織感染 (SSTI) 很常見,範圍從輕度蜂窩組織炎到危及生命的壞死性軟組織感染 (NSTI)。關鍵的管理考慮因素包括做出準確的診斷、評估感染的化膿性和嚴重程度,以及選擇抗生素以針對最可能的微生物。在本節中,我們將介紹以下疾病的診斷和治療
(CID 2014;59:e10)
- Purulent: MRSA (NEJM 2006;355:666) causes up to 75% of purulent skin/soft tissue infections, followed by MSSA and strep
- Non-purulent: Strep, MSSA, aerobic GNRs. MRSA less commonly unless significant risk factors (prior MRSA infection, IVDU, HD, recent abx or hospitalization).
- Bites: skin (Strep, Staph [MRSA only if risk factors]) and oral flora (including anaerobes) + special exposures: Cat bite Dog bite Penetrating injury Gardening Salt H2O or raw oysters fish Fresh H2O soft tissue infections