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Microcytic anemia, suspected IDA or thalassemia

  • Family history: no family history of thalassemia
  • GI/GU S/S: no GI or GU bleeding s/s, EGD/Colonoscopy done in 2009. EGD showed duodenal scar. Colonoscopy on 2015/6 hemorrhoid
  • Menses history: LMD on 2010/00/00, blood clots -+, frequent pad changes Q2?H, duration ? days, ? days per cycle
  • Diet history: not vegetarian, no tea
  • NBNC no alcoholism @ survey for anemia, check ferritin, eletrophoresis, albumin, total protein, reticulocyte @ start ferrous 1 PC TID today, explain AEs, RTC next week for CBC @ occult blood and U/A
