

口、四咽 { 口鼻下喉 }

  • Oral cavity:
    • Buccal mucosa,
    • alveolar ridges,
    • floor of mouth,
    • retromolar trigone,
    • hard palate,
    • anterior 2/3 tongue
  • Oropharynx:
    • Tongue base (posterior 1/3),
    • tonsils,
    • glossotonsilar sulcus,
    • inferior surface of soft palate,
    • vallecula,
    • posterior pharyngeal wall to level of hyoid
  • Nasopharynx:
    • Superior to soft palate posterior to nasal cavity
  • Hypopharynx:
    • Hyoid bone to cricoid cartilage
  • Larynx:
    • Divided into supraglottic,
    • glottic,
    • subglottic (rare)