Cardiorenal syndrome

(CJASN 2017;12:1624)

Multifactorial pathophys including:

    1. ↓ CO,
    1. ↑ renal venous congestion,
    1. ↑ RAAS


  • acute CHF → AKI,
  • and oliguric AKI can worsen CHF
  • (JACC 2008;52:1527)


  • IV loop diuretics
  • (bypass gut edema; dosing below)
  • no diff. between high vs. low dose and bolus vs. gtt (NEJM 2011;364:797).
  • No clinical benefit: dopa, nesiritide, ultrafilt.


  • 7% ↑ mortality a/w each 10 mL/min ↓ eGFR in ADHF (JACC 2006;47:1987)