
Symptoms of HBV Clinical Presentation

  • Patients with Hepatitis B (HBV) are usually asymptomatic. When symptomatic, common complaints include:
    • fatigue,
    • nausea,
    • anorexia,
    • myalgias,
    • arthralgias,
    • asthenia,
    • weight loss (except where ascites). Poor correlation between symptoms and disease stage or transaminase elevation.
  • Note: For patients with cirrhosis, abrupt change in clinical symptoms or lab findings suggests spontaneous bacterial peritonitis (SBP): tap ascites!
  • Depends on stage of disease.
  • Skin disorders: spider angiomas.
  • Stigmata of cirrhosis:
    • ascites,
    • jaundice,
    • hepatomegaly,
    • splenomegaly,
    • peripheral edema,
    • hemorrhoids,
    • caput medusa.