
🌱 來自: dilated cardiomyopathy

etiologies of dilated cardiomyopathy

(JACC 2021;77:2551; can also be prior myocarditis, vide infra)

Familial/genetic (>35%)

  • Pt & ≥2 closely related family members w/ unexplained DCM;
  • ~30 genes identified to date, encoding structural & nuclear proteins (eg, titin)

Idiopathic (<20%)

? undx infectious, EtOH, or genetic cause; ¼ w/ e/o DCM in relative


  • alcohol (~20%) typ. 7–8 drinks/d × >5 y, but variable;
  • cocaine;
  • XRT (usu Restrictive Cardiomyopathy);
  • anthracyclines (risk ↑ >550 mg/m2, may manifest late),
  • CYC
  • trastuzumab,
  • TKIs

Infiltrative (5%)

  • typically RCMP (qv), but can be DCMP with thickened walls
  • amyloidosis,
  • sarcoidosis,
  • hemochromatosis,
  • tumor


(onset last mo → 5 mo postpartum; JACC 2020;75:207):

  • ~1:2000
  • ↑ risk w/ multip, ↑ age, Afr Am;
  • stnd HF Rx (if preg, no ACEI or spironolact.);
  • ~30% recur w/ next preg

Stress-induced (Takotsubo = apical ballooning)

  • typically postmenopausal ♀
  • mimics MI (chest pain, ± STE & ↑ Tn; deep TWI & ↑ QT)
  • mid/apex dyskinesis;
  • ? Rx w/ βB, ACEI; usually improves over wks (JAMA 2011;306:277).
  • In-hosp morb/mort similar to ACS (NEJM 2015;373:929).

Tachycardia (JACC 2019;73:2328)

  • likelihood ∝ rate/duration; often resolves w/ rate cntl

Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ACM/ARVC)

  • fibrofatty replacement of RV → dilation (dx w/ MRI);
  • ECG: ± RBBB, TWI V1–V3, ε wave; VT risk (NEJM 2017;376:61)

LV noncompaction (Lancet 2015;386:813)

  • prominent trabeculae, arrhythmias, cardioemboli
