Etiologies of ↩ Prolonged-QT-interval

👉 causes and potentiators of ↩ the long QT syndrome

  • Antiarrhythmics

    • class Ia (procainamide, - disopyramide),
    • class III (amio,
    • sotalol,
    • dofet)
  • Psych drugs

    • antipsychotics (phenothiazines,
      • haloperidol, atypicals),
      • Li,
      • ? SSRI,
      • TCA
  • Antimicrobials

    • macrolides,
    • quinolones,
    • azoles,
    • pentamidine,
    • atazanavir
  • Other:

    • antiemetics (droperidol, 5-HT3 antagonists),
    • alfuzosin,
    • methadone,
    • ranolazine
  • Electrolyte disturbances:

    • hypoCa (nb, hyperCa a/w ↓ QT),
    • ± hypoK,
    • ? hypoMg
  • Autonomic dysfxn:

    • ICH (deep TWI),
    • Takotsubo,
    • stroke,
    • CEA,
    • neck dissection
  • Congenital (long QT syndrome)

  • K, Na, & Ca channelopathies (Circ 2013;127:126)

  • Misc:

  • CAD, CMP, bradycardia, high-grade AVB, hypothyroidism, hypothermia, BBB