Complications-crohn’s disease

  • Perianal disease: fissures, fistulas, skin tags, perirectal abscesses (in 24% of Pts; perianal disease precedes intestinal symptoms)

  • Stricture: small bowel, postprandial abd pain; can lead to complete SBO & require surgery

  • Fistulas: perianal, enteroenteric, rectovaginal, enterovesicular, enterocutaneous

  • Abscess: fever, tender abd mass, ↑ WBC; steroids mask sx, ∴ need high level of suspicion

  • Malabsorption: ileal disease/resection: ↓ bile acids abs → gallstones; ↓ fatty acid abs → Ca oxalate kidney stones; ↓ fat-soluble vitamin abs → vit D deficiency → osteopenia