

quality of sensation, tempo, positional dependence, exac./allev. factors, exertion

    1. 除了劇烈運動外, ✖ 不會因呼吸困難而煩惱。
    1. 在 ↣ 平坦的 → 地面上行走或在 ↣ 小山坡上行走時呼吸短促。
      • 由於呼吸困難,在 ↣ 平地上走得比同齡人慢,或在 ↣ 平地上以自己的 → 步調行走時 ✖ 不得 ✖ 不停下來休息。
      • 步行 100 m 或平地步行幾分鐘後停止休息。
      • 氣喘吁吁離開家,或日常生活活動氣喘吁籲 (例如,穿衣/脫衣)
  • Cardiopulmonary exam, SaO2, CXR, ECG, ABG,

  • U/S Predictors of CHF: h/o CHF, PND, S3, CXR w/ venous congestion, AF (JAMA 2005;294:1944)

  • Dyspnea w/ nl CXR: CAD, asthma, PE, PHT, early ILD, anemia, acidosis, NM disease

  • Based on results of initial evaluation: PFT, chest CT, TTE, cardiopulmonary testing

BNP & NT-proBNP ↑ in CHF (also ↑ in AF, RV strain from PE, COPD flare, PHT, ARDS)

  • <100 pg/mL to r/o CHF (90% Se),
  • 400 to r/i (NEJM 2002;347:161) NT-proBNP

  • <300 pg/mL to r/o CHF (99% Se);
  • age-related cut points to r/i: >450 pg/mL (<50 y), >900 (50-75 y), >1800 (>75 y) (EHJ 2006;27:330)
    • 50: 450
    • 75: 900
    • 75+: 1800
  • ↑ in chronic HF, ∴ need to compare to known “dry BNP.” May be falsely low in obesity.