Definition-diabetes mellitus

(Diabetes Care 2022;45:S256)

  • HbA1c ≥6.5
  • fasting glc ≥126 mg/dL
  • glc 2 h after OGTT ≥200 mg/dL × 2 (for any test) or
  • single random glc ≥200 mg/dL w/ classic sx of hyperglycemia; all tests equally reasonable (nb, may be ⊕ on one test but not another);
  • OGTT preferred during preg

Blood glc higher than normal,

  • but not frank DM (“prediabetics,” ~40% U.S. population)


Explain by ChatGPT

  • The first line states that diabetes mellitus is a condition where the blood glucose is higher than normal.
  • The second line says that this condition can be caused by impaired fasting glucose (IFG) or 2 hour prandial glucose.
  • The third line says that diet and exercise can help prevent this condition from progressing to diabetes mellitus.
  • The fourth line says that the study found that lifestyle intervention or metformin can help reduce the incidence of type 2 diabetes.


  • 第一行指出糖尿病是一种血糖高於正常水平的疾病。第二行表示這種情況可能是由空腹血糖 (IFG) 或 2 小時餐時血糖受損引起的。第三行說飲食和運動可以幫助防止這種情況發展為糖尿病。第四行說研究發現生活方式乾預或二甲雙胍有助於降低2型糖尿病的發病率。