
Platelets transfusion

  • For plts <10k (NEJM 2010;362:600) due to chemo/abx.
  • If <20k or if <50k w/ active bleeding.
  • Variable pre-procedure.100k for neurosurgery. 1 U → ↑ plt ~30-60k.
  • Single donor plt apheresis ↓ alloimmunization.
  • Contraindic:
    • TTP/HUS,
    • HELLP,
    • HIT.
  • Refractory if ↑ <5k 30-60′ post-plts.
    • Suggests consumption such as ITP, DIC, or alloimmunization → trial ABO-matched plts & give more.
    • If still refractory ✓ panel reactive Abs to assess utility of HLA-matched plts.