
🌱來自: checklist

Hyponatremia checklist

  • Repeat BMP to verify hyponatremia.
  • Check serum glucose to exclude hyperglycemia.
  • Calculate corrected sodium for hyperglycemia.
  • Consider emergent treatment with 3% IV NaCl for:
    • Severely symptomatic hyponatremia
    • Symptomatic acute hyponatremia or acute sodium decrease of > 10mEq/L
    • Known or suspected intracranial pathology or ↑ ICP
  • Check serum osmolality.
  • Check urine osmolality and electrolytes.
  • Estimate volume status.
  • Consider further diagnostics for hyponatremia based on serum osmolality.
  • Stop administration of free water (IV or PO).
  • Consider hypertonic saline and/or cause-specific treatment of hyponatremia.
  • Check serum sodium frequently during correction with 3% NaCl.
  • Monitor urine output for excessive diuresis.
  • Begin management of sodium overcorrection if necessary.