
diagnostic evaluation of primary myelofibrosis (PMF) 

(Blood 2010;115:1703 & 2016;127:2391)

  • Anemia with variable WBC and platelet counts

Peripheral smear

→ “leukoerythroblastic” (teardrop cells, nucleated RBCs, immature WBCs); large abnormal platelets

BM aspirate

→ “dry” tap; BM bx → severe fibrosis, replacement by reticulin & collagen


  • JAK2 V617F in 45–50%
  • CALR mut in 45–50%, 
  • MPL mut in 7–10%,
  • triple neg in 1–2%
  • No BCR-ABL translocation; Pts should not meet criteria for PV or MDS

  • DIPSS score for prognosis. High-risk factors: age >65, WBC >25k, Hgb <10, peripheral blasts >1%, symptoms, complex cytogenetics, absence of CALR type 1.