
  • Exudates by lung parenchymal infection (25%)
  • Malignancy (15%):
    • primary lung cancer most common,
    • metastases (esp. breast,
    • lymphoma,
    • etc.),
    • mesothelioma (✓ serum osteopontin levels; NEJM 2005;353:15)
  • Pulmonary embolism (10%):
    • effusions in ~40% of PEs;
    • exudate (75%) >transudate (25%);
    • hemorrhagic—must have high suspicion b/c presentation highly variable
  • Collagen vascular disease:
    • RA (large)
    • SLE (small)
    • GPA
    • EGPA
  • Abdominal diseases:
    • pancreatitis
    • cholecystitis
    • esophageal rupture
    • abdominal abscess
  • Hemothorax (Hcteff/Hctblood >50%):
    • trauma
    • PE
    • malignancy
    • coagulopathy,
    • leaking aortic aneurysm,
    • aortic dissection
    • pulmonary vascular malformation
  • Chylothorax (triglycerides >110): thoracic duct damage due to trauma, malignancy, LAM
  • Other:
    • Post-CABG: left-sided; initially bloody, clears after several wks
    • Dressler’s syndrome (pericarditis & pleuritis post-MI), uremia, post-radiation therapy
    • Asbestos exposure: benign; ⊕ eosinophils
    • Drug-induced (eg, nitrofurantoin, methysergide, bromocriptine, amiodarone): ⊕ eos
    • Uremia; post-XRT; sarcoidosis
    • Meigs syndrome: benign ovarian tumor → ascites & pleural effusion
    • Yellow-nail syndrome: