
  • If compensation less or greater than predicted, may be two disorders: PaCO2 too low → concomitant 1° resp. alk.; PaCO2 too high → concomitant 1° resp. acid. HCO3 too low → concomitant 1° met. acid.; HCO3 too high → concomitant 1° met. alk.
  • Normal pH, but… ↑ PaCO2 + ↑ HCO3 → resp. acid. + met. alk. ↓ PaCO2 + ↓ HCO3 → resp. alk. + met. acid. Normal PaCO2 & HCO3, but ↑ AG → AG met. acid. + met. alk. Normal PaCO2, HCO3, & AG → no disturbance or non-AG met. acid. + met. alk.
  • Cannot have resp. acid. (hypoventilation) and resp. alk. (hyperventilation) simultaneously