Renal tubular acidoses

Figure: Renal Tubular Acidosis

ProximalIIModerate+-12-20< 5.3> 15%lowosteomalacia
DistalISevere+< 10> 5.3< 3%lowKidney stones
Hypoaldo (collecting duct)IVMild+> 17< 5.3≤ 3%moreHyperkalemia

(RTAs) (Adv Ther 2021;38:949) (Adv Ther 2021;38:949)

Proximal (Type II) 收不回 2️⃣ Bi-carbonate

  • ↓ proximal reabsorption of HCO3: pRTA
  • 1° (Fanconi’s syndrome) = ↓ proximal reabsorption of HCO3, PO4, glc, amino acids
  • Acquired: paraprotein (MM, amyloidosis), ⭐ metals (Pb, Cd, Hg 鉛、鎘、汞, Cu), ↓ vit D, PNH, renal Tx
  • Meds: acetazolamide, aminoglycosides, ifosfamide, cisplatin, topiramate, tenofovir

Distal (Type I) H+ 1️⃣ (原子序 1) 丟不掉

  • defective distal H+ secretion : dRTA
  • 1°, autoimmune ⭐ ( Sjögren’s, RA, SLE), hypercalciuria, meds (ampho, Li, ifosfamide); normally a/w ↓ K; if with ↑ K → sickle cell, obstruction, renal transplant
  • 唯一會 Base Urine pH > 5.5, 高鈣有石

Hypoaldo (Type IV) 四大重點:Aldo, K, NH3, 藥物常見的副作用

  • hypoaldo → ↑ K → ↓ NH3 synthesis → ↓ urine acid-carrying capacity
  • ↓ renin: diabetic nephropathy, NSAIDs, chronic interstitial nephritis, calcineurin inh, HIV
  • ↓ aldo production: 1° AI, ACEI/ARBs, heparin, severe illness, inherited (↓ 21-hydroxylase)
  • ↓ response to aldosterone
  • medication that cause hypoaldo: Tubulointerstitial disease: sickle cell, SLE, amyloid, DM

Combined (Type III)

rarely discussed or clinically relevant, also called juvenile RTA, has distal & proximal features, can be due to carbonic anhydrase II deficiency

  • Urine pH will rise above 5.3 in the setting of HCO3 load
  • FeHCO3 should be checked after an HCO3 load
  • See above for causes of distal RTA (Type I) associated with hyperkalemia