cerebrospinal fluid lab results

Typical CSF Findings in Meningitis

  • CSF protein levels range from 100 to 500 mg/dL in most patients
  • the CSF glucose concentration is <45 mg/dL in 80% of cases
  • and the usual CSF cell count is between 100 and 500 cells/μL


Appearance of cerebrospinal fluid

open pressure

  • 正常 9–18 cmH2O

Cell count of cerebrospinal fluid

  • 正常 CSF RBC < 5

WBC of cerebrospinal fluid

  • 正常 CSF WBC < 5

Protein of cerebrospinal fluid

  • 正常 15–40 mg/dL

Glucose of cerebrospinal fluid

  • 正常約 50–75 mg/dL,約是 serum 的 0.5–0.8

polymerase chain reaction


Gram stain + culture

  • 看有無 bacteria infection

AFS + TB culture

  • 看有無 TB infection

Fungus culture

  • 看有無 fungus infection


  • 看有無 malignancy


  • India ink、cryptococcal antigen、VDRL、