
Diagnosis-peripheral artery disease

(Circ 2016;135:e686, JAMA 2021;325:2188)

  • ↓ peripheral pulses, bruits;
    • signs of chronic PAD:
      • hair loss,
      • skin atrophy,
      • nail hypertrophy
  • Ankle:
    • brachial index (ABI):
      • nl 1-1.4;
      • borderline 0.91-0.99;
      • abnl ≤0.90;
      • if >1.4, non-dx possibly due to calcified noncompressible vessel → ✓ PVR, TBI (toe-brachial index).
      • If ABI abnl → segmental ABI w/ PVR to localize disease.
      • If ⊕ sx but nl ABI, ✓ for ↓ lower extrem BP after exercise (≥20% ↓ in ABI w/ exercise or ≥30 mmHg ↓ in ankle pressure).
  • Duplex arterial U/S;
  • CTA w/ distal run-off;
  • MRA or angio if dx in ? or possible intervention