
Graham Steell murmur

參考➡️ The Graham-Steell murmur re-evaluated

IN 1888 Graham Steell described his now famous left-sternal-border diastolic murmur and attributed its origin to pulmonary regurgitation caused by high pressure in the pulmonary artery in patients with mitral stenosis,1:In cases of mitral obstruction there is occasionally heard over the pulmonary area and below this region, for the distance of an inch or two along the left border of the sternum, and rarely over the lowest part of the bone itself, a soft blowing diastolic murmur immediately following or, more exactly, running off from the accentuated second sound, while the usual indications of aortic regurgitation afforded by …

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  • Description of Graham Steell murmur : IN 1888 Graham Steell described his now famous left-sternal-border diastolic murmur and attributed its origin to pulmonary regurgitation caused by high pressure in the pulmonary artery in patients with mitral stenosis,1:In cases of mitral obstruction there is occasionally heard over the pulmonary area and below this region, for the distance of an inch or two along the left border of the sternum, and rarely over the lowest part of the bone itself, a soft blowing diastolic murmur immediately following or, more exactly, running off from the accentuated second sound, while the usual indications of aortic regurgitation afforded by …

  • Cause of Graham Steell murmur : The cause of Graham Steell murmur is high pressure in the pulmonary artery in patients with mitral stenosis.

  • Symptoms of Graham Steell murmur : The symptoms of Graham Steell murmur include a soft blowing diastolic murmur and indications of aortic regurgitation.


  • Graham Steell 雜音的描述:1888 年,Graham Steell 描述了他現在著名的胸骨左緣舒張期雜音,並將其起源歸因於二尖瓣狹窄患者肺動脈高壓引起的肺動脈瓣反流,1:在在二尖瓣阻塞的病例中,偶爾會在肺區上方和該區域下方,沿胸骨左緣聽到一兩英寸的距離,很少會在骨骼本身的最低部分上方,立即聽到輕柔的舒張期雜音跟隨,或者更準確地說,從加重的第二聲中逃跑,而主動脈瓣關閉不全的通常跡象由 …

  • Graham Steell 雜音的原因:Graham Steell 雜音的原因是二尖瓣狹窄患者的肺動脈高壓。

  • Graham Steell 雜音的症狀:Graham Steell 雜音的症狀包括輕柔的舒張期雜音和主動脈瓣反流跡象。