
Epidemiology of Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma

  • Most common lymphoma type:
    • ~30% of lymphomas,
    • ~24K cases/y
  • ↑ Incidence w/ age,
  • ↑ incidence in Caucasians,
  • slight male predominance
  • Clinicopathologic Subtypes Clinical and Pathologic Subtypes

Many different subtypes (refer to updated 2016 WHO classification, Blood 2016;127:2375)

  • Many different subtypes including 1° mediastinal (PMBL),
    • 1° CNS (PCNSL),
    • testicular,
    • high-grade B-cell lymphoma w/ MYC & BCL2 &/or BCL6 translocations (HGBCL),
    • transformed lymphoma,
  • (2016 WHO classification, Blood 2016;127:2375)