
🌱 來自: polycythemia vera

approach polycythemia vera

hemoglobin high : EPO low : polycythemia vera : ✅ JAK2 : EPO high : low saturation : chronic obstructive pulmonary disease : high saturtaion : smoker : Smoker’s Polycythemia : high saturation : non-smoker : tumor as source of EPO

Practical Algorithm for Diagnosis of Erythrocytosis

  • 先要有濃血、問問家族史,先看JAK2 V617V,有就BM
  • 沒有再看JAK2 exon12,有就BM
  • 還是 💥 沒有,再測EPO,有低,就BM
  • IMO: 一步一步下來,有才去BM

tumor as source of EPO