OI Prophylaxis-HIV AIDS
(https://aidsinfo.nih.gov/guidelines & JAMA 2018;320:379, HIV.gov:2020) OI Indication 1° Prophylaxis
⊕ PPD (≥5 mm), IGRA, or high-risk exposure See treatment for latent TB
Pneumocystis jiroveci (PCP)
CD4 <200/mm or CD4 <14% or thrush TMP-SMX DS qd (first line) or dapsone qd or atovaquone qd or pentamidine inhaled q4wk
CD4 <150/mm + endemic/ exposure Itraconazole qd
CD4 <100/mm3 and ⊕ Toxo IgG TMP-SMX DS qd or dapsone 50 mg qd + pyrimeth. qwk + leucovorin 25 qwk
Ppx no longer rec. if effective ARVs initiated
When to stop Ppx: PCP and toxo if CD4 >200 × 3 mos; Histo if CD4 >150 × 6 mos