Hematologic oncologic-complications of HIV AIDS

(NEJM 2018;378:1029)

  • Cytopenia: ACD, BM infiltration by tumor/infxn (eg, MAC/TB), drug toxicity, hemolysis, ITP
  • Non-Hodgkin lymphoma: ↑ frequency with any CD4 count, but incidence ↑ with ↓ CD4
  • Hodgkin lymphoma (any CD4; impact of ART unclear)
  • CNS lymphoma: CD4 count <50, EBV-associated
  • Kaposi’s sarcoma (HHV-8): at any CD4 count, incidence ↑ b/c CD4 ↓, usu. MSM Mucocut. (violacious lesions); pulmonary (nodules, infiltrates, LAN); GI (bleed, obstruct.)
  • Cervical/anal CA (HPV high risk in MSM)
  • ↑ rates of liver CA (a/w HBV/HCV), gastric CA