
transplantation procedure (for Allo HSCT)

Pre-Tx conditioning regimen goal:

immunosuppression to allow donor cell engraftment & anti-tumor efficacy to ↓ relapse risk. Type and dose of agents determine this balance.

Myeloablative conditioning:

high-dose chemo and/or total body irradiation.

  • Low relapse rates,
  • high immunosuppression,
  • higher transplant-related morbidity.

Reduced-intensity conditioning (“RIC”):

  • lower dose of chemo →
    • ↓ transplant-related morbidity/mortality,
    • but ↑ relapse b/c it relies more on GVT effect
    • (Blood 2015;126:23).
  • Allows allo HSCT
    • for older adults (>60) or
    • Pts w/ comorbidities.

Sources of hematopoietic stem cells (NEJM 2012;367:1487)

Bone marrow (BM):

  • original source
  • preferred in non-malignant disease,
  • ↓ GVHD rates

Peripheral blood stem cells (PBSC):

  • easier to collect
  • more commonly used
  • BM vs. PBSC ≈ survival
  • BM ↓ chronic GVHD, PBSC ↓ graft failure
  • faster engraftment

Umbilical cord blood stem cells (UCB): see above in Types of Allo HSCT


  • (ANC) recovers to 500/µL w/in
    • 2 wk w/ PBSC
    • 2.5 wk w/ BM
    • 4 wk w/ UCB
  • G-CSF accelerates recovery by 3–5 d in all scenarios.