
🌱 來自: mantle cell lymphoma

Biology Pathology of mantle cell lymphoma


  • 摘要: MCL通常以小淋巴細胞浸潤和凹陷核為主要組織特徵,起源於成熟、幼稚或後胚細胞中心B細胞。
  • 原文: Derived from a mature, naïve or postgerminal center B-cell. MCL most often presents histologically as an infiltrate of small lymphocytes w/ notched nuclei.


  • 摘要: 淋巴瘤有多種組織學變異型態,包括預後較差的爆發型和多形性型,以及形態類似於CLL/SLL的小細胞型。
  • 原文: Several histologic variants include the blastoid & pleomorphic variants w/c have a poor prognosis & small cell variant w/c is morphologically similar to CLL/SLL.


  • 摘要:這種lymphoma通常表達B細胞抗原(CD19和CD20)和T細胞抗原CD5(異常表達,也可見於CLL / SLL),但不表達CD10(FL),CD23(CLL)或CD200(CLL)。
  • 原文:Typically expresses B-cell Ags (CD19 & CD20) & the T-cell Ag CD5 (aberrant expression, also seen in CLL/SLL), but not CD10 (FL), CD23 (CLL), or CD200 (CLL)。


  • 摘要:t(11;14)(q13;q32)是一種細胞遺傳異常,它使得Cyclin D1基因(CCDN1)和Ig重鏈基因定位在一起,可以通過FISH,核型分析或IHC(=BCL1染色)進行檢測。
  • 原文:The hallmark cytogenetic abnormality is the t(11;14)(q13;q32). It juxtaposes the Cyclin D1 gene (CCDN1) w/ the Ig heavy chain locus detectable by FISH, karyotype, or IHC (= BCL1 stain)


  • 摘要:罕見的CCND1(–)病例具有SOX11(+)和Cyclin D2或D3病變,必須與CD23(–) CLL和CD5(+) MZL區分開來。
  • 原文:Rare CCND1(–) cases are SOX11(+) & have Cyclin D2 or D3 lesions. Must be distinguished from CD23(–) CLL & CD5(+) MZL.


  • 摘要:這種淋巴瘤的臨床表現介於慢性和侵犯性之間。

  • 原文:Clinical behavior is intermediate between indolent & aggressive lymphomas.

  • Proliferative index measured by Ki-67 (≥30% vs. <30%) (Ann Oncol 2010;21:133), p53 abnormality (del17p or TP53 Mt), & SOX11 expression are powerful prognostic factors in MCL & predict for aggressive disease

  • Some cases w/ spleen/BM or GIT involvement may have an indolent behavior, typically SOX11−