

**explain the AEs of premetrexed, such as myelosuppression, neutropenic fever, HFS, mucositis, diarrhea, nausea/vomting, transient Abn LFTs 1015%, and fatigue **explain necessary for folic acid supplement 350ug/day and 1000ug of vitamin B12 SC Q3W **explain the AEs of carboplatin, such as myelosuppression which is dose-limiting, especially in elder patients, thrombocytopenia is most commonly observed, nausea and vomiting, less renal toxicity as compared to cisplatin, peripheral neuropathy < 10% and less as compared to cisplatin, and hypersensitivity **explain the AEs of cisplatin, such as nephrotoxicity, dose limiting up to 3540%, electrlyte abnormalites (Mg, Ca, K), nausea/vomting, myelosuppresion, neurotoxicity, ototoxicity, and hypersensitivity **Emphasize the importance of nutrional support (high protein diet) during C/T period.
